ETELM is a French company with over 35 years experience in the field of professional radio communications infrastructure. With a strong foundation in our domestic market our technology is fully developed and manufactured in France and over 50% of our systems are exported globally.

One of the founding pillars of our corporate policy is innovation. The R & D function represents a very important part of our human and financial investments. This allows ETELM to maintain its technological independence whilst combining :

  • a scrupulous respect of international standards to facilitate interoperability of our products
  • a proactive policy of patents
  • the absence of external or third party industrial rights licenses.

ETELM has always been considered a visionary and innovative company. Under the influence of our President and founder (a recognized expert in the industry and prominent member of several standardization bodies) and based on our experienced and dynamic development teams, ETELM develops advanced radio solutions for now and the future.

ETELM History

  • 2017 : Launch of the Picocell products
  • 2016 : Launch of the e-LBS Long Range, LTE base station optimized for PMR ans Long Ranges services
  • 2015 : Launch of the 4G Linked platform : interconnecting several PMR technologies (DMR, TETRA, Analogue and LTE) onto EPC LTE core
  • 2014 : Trophy Innovation Enova for the innovative concept of the e-TBS
  • 2014 : Launch of the e-TBS (first TETRA product connected to the LTE EPC Cote Network)
  • 2008 : NeTIS (Advanced TETRA base stations) product line
  • 1999 : Launch of the first TETRA product
  • 1995 : First developments on TETRA
  • 1985 : Analogue radio solutions
  • 1981 : Creation of ETELM by Mr Pierre MINOT


ETELM commitments

  • Member of TCCA – ETELM is committed to promote and respect the TETRA standard without introducing specificity
  • Member of the GPRP – Group standing of professional Radio
  • Member of the ETSI 3GPP – Group standing of professional Radio
  • ISO 9001 V2015