ETELM joined Comm4Innov

The Telecom platform Association pools, operates, and makes available to the players in the market of means and skills unique across the infrastructure and supply Com4Innov services.
Com4Innov caters to the industrialists and researchers who wish to develop or validate their technologies, applications or services in the field of networks and mobile services of the future (4 G/LTE/IMS) and the field of M2M (Machine to Machine) and communicating objects (IoT – Internet of Things).
With aims to become a reference platform, this life-size environment is a catalyst for innovation for businesses who can test or effectively validate their products and services in advance of phase and thus become more competitive. With Com4Innov, users can benefit from the telecommunications infrastructure wireless latest, tools development, control experiments and measures, of centres of experimentation and skill of experts, all in a dedicated and neutral environment spread over the region Provence-Alpes Côte d’Azur.
The mission of the Association Telecom platform, with the contributions of its members, is to:
- develop, deploy, and operate Com4Innov,
- manage and support its range of services,
- plan the evolution of the infrastructure and services of the platform strategy and implement it.
Com4Innov is the result of an industrial initiative labeled and carried by the Cluster Solutions superior secure (S.C.S.). Selected by the DGCIS in July 2011, the Telecom platform Association in charge of the deployment and operations of Com4Innov was created in October 2011 by its founding members:
- Large groups: Audilog group Ericsson – Ericsson – Orange – ST-Ericsson
- SME: 3Roam – iQsim – Newsteo – OneAccess,
- Researchers: EURECOM and Inria.
- Associations: SCS, MobiSmart and Telecom Valley competitiveness cluster.
The Telecom platform Association also signed a partnership with Monaco Telecom including to conduct tests and evaluations LTE on the territory of Monaco.
The Association Telecom platform is co-financed by its founding members and the support of the following public funders:
- the European Regional (FEDER PACA) Development Fund,
- the General Direction of companies (DGE),
- the Council Regional PACA (PACA CR),
- the General Council of the Alpes – Maritimes (CG06).