e-TBS – TETRA 4G Linked

The e-TBS TETRA basestation combines Etelm’s well established TETRA infrastructure into the LTE Core.
The system allows direct communications between standard 4G LTE subscribers and TETRA subscribers.
The e-TBS system management automatically manages the conversion between 4G and TETRA identities, allowing individual and group calls to be made between users of different technology.


NeTIS-AVL dispatcher is a user friendly graphical dispatcher with automatic vehicle location mapping capability: allowing the operator to view geographic positions of all GPS subscribers on maps with zooming functionality.

The dispatcher is connected to the Tetra switch and handles 4 types of traffic :

– Voice traffic (Voice over IP) routed as high-priority UDP
– Voice signaling and traffic related to allocation
– Vehicle or personnel geographic positioning
– Mobile group management applications.

NeTIS-B 25

Rackable Base Station. It is the building block of a TETRA ETELM network with a remarkable sensitivity, a built-in site controller allowing fully redundant carriers and easy maintenance with hot card plugging.

NeTIS-BOX – portable BS

NeTIS-BOX basestation is the latest TETRA technology in a fully portable, rugged enclosure. It may be used either in a stand-alone mode or connected to any network architecture.

The new basestation NeTIS-BOX improves sensibility and provides wide area coverage.

The product assures efficient outdoor and indoor coverage by integrating up to 6 receivers on a single basestation.
– Compact
– Reduced power comsuption
– Robust
– stand-alone mode (switch included)
– Wall-monting kit
– IP or E1 connection (network mode)

NeTIS-FAST – transportable BS

Transportable base station integrated in a rugged case with batteries. This solution could be used in crisis situation with an easy and quick deployement.


TETRA management software. Through a unique user friendly application, you are able to manage subscribers, technical parameters, monitor network states and keep events on the network.

NeTIS-N – Switch

The NeTIS-N is the Etelm IP TETRA Switch which manage network resources and control all NeTIS-B basestation on a regional or national basis. Multiple NeTIS-N switchs can be used within the same Etelm network providing highliy secure redundant networks.

– Call hand-over management (hand over type 1,2 and 3 seamless)
– Level 3 protocol management
– Registration / deregistration
– individual calls management (full duplex / half duplex)
– Group call management
– SDS messages management from 1 to 256 characters (type 1 to 4)
– SDS transmission with economy energy mode
– Circuit and mutislot packet data modes management

NeTIS-REC – Recorder

The IP recorder NeTIS-REC is a windows server based application connected to the Etelm Tetra Network allowing automatic recording of the calls for security purposes.

– Capacity : 100 to 1000 communication hours, according to hard disk capacity
– Date & time stamping
– Automatic data archiving
– Radio/radio and radio/telephone communication recording
– Archiving capability
– Automatic erasure of oldest records in case of full hard disk
– Automatic erasure of record after a customer defined delay
– Multi-criteria research tools