ETELM — частная французская компания с главным офисом в Париже, эксперт в области профессиональной мобильной радиосвязи. ETELM более 40 лет разрабатывает и производит специализированное оборудование и программное обеспечение для сетей Профессиональной Мобильной Радиосвязи на базе технологий TETRA (базовые станции TETRA могут быть полностью интегрированы в ядро LTE) и Mission Critical LTE.
Экспорт составляет более 50 % продаж (Европа, Африка, Азия, Ближний Восток). Все продукты и решения ETELM полностью спроектированы и разработаны собственными высококвалифицированными R&D-специалистами компании на основе и в полном соответствии с международными стандартами ETSI/3GPP.
How can critical communications get the transport sector moving again?
‘The new normal’. It’s a phrase which is being thrown around constantly at the moment, as multiple different business sectors, politicians and commentators try to establish what a post-lockdown UK might look like. How will organisational operations and working practices need to change in order to maintain necessary social distancing measures, whilst getting the economy going again?
The role of traditional radios in healthcare settings during the Coronavirus Pandemic
It is easy to assume that emergency scenarios demand the very latest, next-generation technology. But the reality can be a little more complex.
Reliable communications between medical practitioners in hospitals and healthcare settings are clearly absolutely critical – a matter of life and death. Doctors may need to be summoned within seconds in order to respond to an emergency scenario. The unfolding coronavirus pandemic has brought this into sharper focus than ever before.
Futuristic concepts, established Technology : Putting Tetra at the heart of smart cities
The technology industry is fundamentally forward-looking. Organisations in all segments and specialisms are focused on developing the next disruptive tools and applications, and figuring out new ways of applying processes and protocols. The very concept of digital transformation foregrounds change and progression.
Critical ETELM to help develop a pan-European LTE network for public protection and disaster relief
Radio communications specialist part of a consortium working on BroadWay H2020 initiative
30th October, 2019 — ETELM, the radio communications infrastructure specialist, is helping to enable a pan-European interoperable broadband mobile system for Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR).
The company has been named as part of a consortium which has been selected to deliver Phase 1 – the design solution phase – of the BroadWay PCP Innovation programme (H2020).
The BroadWay initiative was created by the public safety agencies from 11 European countries and is operating under the framework of the European Horizon 2020 programme. Collectively, these agencies provide mobile communication services to around 1.4 million responders, and deal with an array of crimes and disasters which are not limited to fixed geographical borders.
Critical Radio communications specialist ETELM to help determine a single interoperable global standard for 3GPP Company one of over 30 participants in MCX Plugtests mission-critical testing event
1st October, 2019 – Radio communications specialist ETELM has participated in the fourth annual MCX Plugtests event, which brought together vendors and suppliers from across the mission-critical communications supply chain to independently and jointly test infrastructure components.
Organised by ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, in partnership with ERILLISVERKOT, the State Security Networks Group for Finland, the fourth MCX Plugtests event was specifically focused on testing radio equipment with Unicast and Multicast support, but is also looking at Over-The-Top testing of mission-critical servers and clients.
Critical communications networks for emergency services, first responders and the military
The team at Etelm recently attended Milipol Paris 2019, the leading event for homeland security and safety, featuring over 1000 exhibitors from 53 countries. Delegates visiting our stand were introduced to a full end to end private LTE display, to demonstrate the technology’s application in this sector.
On the move: Critical communications for the transport sector
Paul Ward, International Sales Director at ETELM
The pace of change in the transport sector is dramatic. PwC has calculated that global transport infrastructure investment is projected to increase at an average annual rate of about 5% worldwide from 2014 to 2025. And little wonder – a growing global population means more journeys via public and private transport, and more commercial vehicles operating behind the scenes of consumers, working in industries from manufacturing and retail to utilities.
‘Pop-Up Communications’: Applications for temporary LTE networks
Earlier this summer, we announced we had been working with the Fire Department of Indre in France to test a ‘pop-up’ LTE communications network that was capable of being assembled and ready to use in under 20 minutes. This meant firefighters would be able to access reliable broadband services in remote areas where existing network coverage was unavailable.
To form the basis of this network we equipped a command vehicle with an antenna, an LTE eNodeB (manufactured by ETELM), a Halys LTE EPC core and the Streamwide application to reproduce all the critical communication requirements (including emergency calls and broadcasting), geolocation services, and casualty reporting capabilities.
ETELM conduct front line testing of mobile PMR LTE unit with French Fire Department
Etelm has participated in PMR LTE tests organized by Mentor Consultant and hosted by the Firefighters in the Indre (SDIS 36) region of France to test new communications technology that could revolutionize the way firefighters respond to incidents.
The team were invited to take part in tests which involved a vehicle being equipped with advanced communications technology that would allow the fire department to implement a temporary communications network around an incident site.